Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Using shortcut keys - elecworks. Tips and Tricks #1

The command you need at your fingertips with your personal shortcut keys! Imagine you need the elecworks command for Symbols but do not want to waste time looking for the icon. Here is how you can do it instantly pressing just one key…

Using elecworks shortcut keys
You can assign some keyboard keys to launch instantly an elecworks command without clicking its icon.

To set up these shortcuts, open the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" and select "More Commands".

elecworks quick access toolbar

Go to the "Keyboard" tab.

In "Category:" select the menu where the command is located.

In "Commands:" select the command.

Go to the "Press new shortcut key" field.

Press the key / keys that should run the command.

The names of keys pressed appear in the "Key assignments:" box.

Click on the "Assign" button.

You can program as many keys as you want.

To exit the interface, click on the "Close" button.

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